Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Whale King Journey: Episode 10, Bones, Child, Bones

The mooing grows fierce. The purple intensity intensifies indescribably.

Damn it thinks the whale king, Alliteration isn't helping things at all. Alliteration cackles as the Cattle of Crepuscular Light run wildly. Above them, the cockroach god shapes chaos itself while gouging several cows with his double-edged tarsus.

Newly-formed chaos enters the streets of the floating sunset city. The pilgrim becomes deaf with defeat. The whale king tries to speak, but turns dumb with thoughts of doom (more specifically, he tries to shoot a fissure-forming rainbow ray from his blow-hole, but is blocked entirely with young chaos.) The cattle turn blind with fear.

The phoenician haze of harrowing sunset hooves pierce the throbbing brains of the pilgrim and whale king. Memories of love lost and dulce juventud sweep their minds.

The pilgrim sees her family. They walk to the church. But something is wrong. What is on their face? What are they wearing on their hands? It's BONES, child! BONES!

The skeletal gaze of dead ol' mom and dad haunt the pilgrim.

Next to her, the whale king sees rainbows and bubbles, fabric and a bouquet of roses (bleeding profusely). He knows the end is near.

Both the whale king and the pilgrim think simultaneously to themselves. If only there was something that could stop a cockroach god. Something that could be used against Wyrms or Dragons, for example...

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