Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Whale King Journey: Episode 11, Lord of Skies and Seas

The hooves keep on hooving. The chaos keeps on chaosing. The darkness turns sunset then ONYX DOOM again. All you can do is die.

Then. Suddenly. There is peace. There is light. There is sound.

The whale king lets out a majestic cry. Woouurrraowiuuuiiii..iiii. Woouurrraowiuuuiiii..iiii. The cattle in their madness, in their fury, hear this sound. They stop. They listen. One cow slowly sways her tail. Another lifts his tongue gingerly to his nostril. Farther down the block, yet another emits a gushing stream of urine. The cattle are calmed. They are in a trance, oblivious to chaos in their streets and cockroach gods in their skies. Several hypnotized cows are peacefully gorged with a double-edged, poisonous tarsus.

As the cattle stand hypnotized for the slaughter, the pilgrim, bloodied and battered, manages to reach the Bos Babe's majestic skirt. She quickly finds a red button located over the statue's gargantuan interdigital claw. The pilgrim lets out a Deutsche Xena holler and slams down on the button. The Bos Babe's torch turns and aims intelligently at the flying dea Periplaneta americana


The air is full of light.

Pop, crackle, snap.

The cockroach god plummets.

Boom, Bang, Bing!

He ricochets off the street below crushing a small family of bovines. His body settles in Central Park. Dust, blood, and hair fly. Chaos, meanwhile, rolls into a ball and cries.

The whale king's song ends. He maneuvers his body to approach the fallen cockroach god. As he gets closer, he sees that the dancing leopards adorning the god's exoskeleton are now broken and battered. Blood streams from their eye-sockets like some extra on OZ. The whale king's eyes suddenly widen with fear and hatred.

It is not the blood that so disturbs the whale king. No, it's something else. Something written or etched onto the cockroach's exposed Malphigian Tubes, something he hasn't seen since his family was alive.Two large black tentacles crossing each other in an ominous and almost religious manner, encircled in white.


Dark rage moves through the whale king's core. His eyes shift, like the coming darkness of a deadly hurricane on a previously sunny afternoon. Hundreds of miles away, in an utterly different universe, they have found him. He doesn't know how. He doesn't know when. But they have found him. The last of the rainbow whales. The last lord of the skies and the seas.

I feel a montage coming on, thinks the lord of skies and seas.

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